What is LOPAC?

The Louisiana Orthopaedic Political Action Committee serves as the political arm of the Louisiana Orthopaedic Association.

It is critically important for orthopaedic surgeons to be involved in our efforts to gain access to key lawmakers through political involvement.

Please Invest In Your Orthopaedic Political Action Committee

Chiropractors, physical therapists and trial lawyers all donate heavily to their established political action committees (PACs).  Likewise, it is critically important that Orthopaedic Surgeons donate to LOPAC so that we can maximize our effectiveness when advocating on legislative or regulatory issues of importance to you, your practice and your patients.

Donelson T. Caffery III, Jason Harbison, and Tyler Daniel of the 1812 Group serve as LOA’s lobbyists and have a full-time presence at the Louisiana State Capitol anytime that the Louisiana Legislature is in session. When lawmakers are not in session, they closely monitor insurance regulations, workers’ compensation and health care licensing and regulatory boards to ensure that your interests are represented.

As one of our valued PAC donors (Judson Penton MD) said  "I decided to spend 84 dollars a month to protect my profession as a practicing Orthopaedic surgeon. LOPAC is one of the only organizations that will actively protect our profession and the interests of our patients. When I pay more a month for my cell phone or Internet bill, protecting my profession for 84 dollars a month was a no-brainer. "

Please donate today to LOPAC so we can help our friends in the legislative arena.


Donations may be written on a personal or a corporate check. Donations may not be tax deductible for income tax purposes. Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes to the extent that payments are not made to 501 (c) (3) organizations.  PAC Donations are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.